Anime has always been known to introduce characters beforehand, giving them the necessary hype and the perfect ground to display the overwhelming power they possess. But that is not always the case, as some characters are overhyped and then ends up not being able to carry the weight of the power he/she supposed to. In short I’m saying there are characters who were not as strong as we expected them to be, but there are some who even exceeded our expectations and these characters are;

1.      ENDEAVOR

Yes, endeavor was a character who displayed and outstanding strength just like the others but the most appealing thing about it was that no one even expected him to be that strong. He completely blew my mind and this was during his fight in season 4 the last episode.

    Back to the topic, endeavor was able to display strength that no one believes he will be able to not even the citizens of japan believed in him.

When allmight lost his powers and his position as the number one hero and symbol of peace, there needed to be a new symbol of peace, and that was the duty of endeavor who was newly assigned as the number one hero, but was still no symbol of peace. Endeavor had to prove himself to be the symbol of peace with a bloody and hot-blooded battle. The battle was so intense that his flame shone like the sun while he was fighting and finally ended the battle with a shout ‘plus ultra’.



Edward newgate popularly known as ‘whitebeard’ is a one piece legend and the former strongest man in the world. Him being the strongest man in the world was one of the greatest hype in one-piece history and he did better than we expected. In the marinefold arc, he showed great feats such as;

-          He created two massive tidal waves with one blow

-          Smash through aokiji and his attacks

-          Destroys a giant’s weapon and head

-          Shattered two massive walls of ice

-          Dents a massive wall made specifically for people like him

-          Breaks out of a block of ice

-          Blocks akainu’s larvae punch

-          Shatters the fortress at marinefold

-           Split the ground while delivering a devastating blow to akainu

He died standing after 267 sword wounds, 152 gun wounds, 46 cannon shots and he never got a wound on his back because he never turned back to run away. TRULY A LEGEND, unlike buggy.



Ulquiorra is the espada no. 4, in the anime series ‘bleach’ he was hyped in lots of ways in the espada arc and just as the others, he didn’t fail us, in fact his strength was baffling, he made ichigo look like a weakling. This is exactly what he said

 “you are a fool, ichigo kurasaki. To challenge an opponent whose strength is worlds beyond yours, yet you dream of victory. It is beyond my comprehension. If it is due to what you humans call a heart…. then it is because ‘heart’ that you will lose your life”.

From this statement you will understand the level of his strength and his vast number of abilities. Abilities which includes; superhuman physical characteristics, expert swordsman, expert hand-to-hand combatant, pseudo flight, true flight, spiritual awareness (can see spiritual beings), extrasensory perception, longevity, energy projection, statistics amplification, dimensional travel, portal creation, regeneration, energy weapon creation, transformation, soul manipulation, special manipulation, invisibility and many others.

And despite having all these abilities this was not his true form. He had a greater form which could rank him far above any other espada.


4.       NAGATO (PAIN)

Nagato is a character from the famous anime series ‘Naruto’. He is a member and the leader of the akatsuki’s. He is one known anime character thought to have suffered a great deal. Unlike many other anime villains, Nagato seeks peace but he believes that the world must know true pain in order for it to be peaceful, he uses a move called the six path of pain, Nagato is great puppeteer although not as known as the other puppeteers in Naruto. He was able to defeat most of kohona’s greatest ninjas with his puppets while he stayed safe in his base. He fought against kakashi, killed a legendary sanin (jiraya) and virtually almost defeated Naruto. Chibaku tensai is an intimidating ability, but pain’s is completely gargantuan. Using the ability, he can create a large asteroid in the sky, trap enemies, threaten villages and deconstruct the earth around him. Just based on looks alone it is terribly looming.


5.       JIREN

If I’m permitted to say this…, I would say Jiren is the one whose power baffled all those who encountered it. From the very beginning of the tournament of power we knew who Goku’s real opponent was going to be, and he didn’t let us down. He completely defeated Hit and withstood hits from opponents like it was nothing. That proud attitude of not wanting to bother with weak opponents puts him over the top. His fight with Goku was so good that it took more than two tries to take him down and each of those tries contain a power up (ultra-instinct) that even gods found it difficult to master. It took the combined effort of Goku, friezer, and android 17 to take him down. And for the record…. they didn’t defeat him, they only pinned him down and went down with him, that alone shows how strong an opponent he is.
