our journey in one piece has not been a brief one. One piece is indeed a detailed master piece, it has shown that the characters are not unstoppable, yet not in any way,weak.
              Today, we'll be ranking the members of the worst generation, based on strength and combat ability or how effective they are in battle.

She is the captain of the booney pirates, the big eater. Although she hasn't been given much screen time. She is indeed a dangerous foe. One good thing going for her is that her devil fruit is quite reliable; it is a devil fruit which allows her to turn others into babies at will and back if she pleases. Though she has a very powerful devil fruit, she is quite weak physically and can't hold her ground in a battle of strength. The disadvantage that she has is that when an opponent knows her devil fruit they can fight her effectively, can can evade all her attacks. Not only that but she virtually the slowest member of the worst generation.

      11. CAPONE BEGE

Bege, is a pirate who is famous for taking down mafia heads. Soon after he founded the fire tank pirates. The one thing going for him is his devil fruit which allows to literally become a castle that can house massive amount of soldiers to fight when the time comes. He can put a person Inside himself which will give him an upper hand. He can also become a huge castle that fires bullets at his opponents.

       10. X drake
Drake is Al's one of the supernovas, and a strong one at that. He uses the ryu ryu no mi devil fruit which gives him the ability of an ancient zoan, model: allosaurus.
Drake is quite stronger that the others listed above. His zoan devil fruit gives him a huge advantage in strength as he was able to bite of a pasifista which likely gave sanji lots of problem. 

      9. Scratchman a poo
Scatchman apoo is a pirate also known as 'roar of the sea'. He is the captain of the 'on air pirates'. His devil fruit is a quite peculiar one as IG allows him to turn part of his body to musical instruments. He attacks on range but can also fight close combat.


       8. Basil Hawkins
This guy is quite calm and collected. I would say he is one of the smarter characters in this list. His devil fruit involves him using straws, or his ability to control straws and he uses it is a very overpowered way, he can make a doll to inflict damage on his opponents by beating up the doll.

   7. Killer

Killer is one of the pirates who arrived at sabaody, he is the combatant of the kid pirates. He ate the defective smile devil fruit. 
Apart from all those killer possesses great strength. His devil fruit has no advantage whatsoever but he is still extremely powerful, his fighting style relies on speed strength and skill. He fought and held bis own against zoro in the land of want, even earning zoro's recognition.

       6. Urouge
Urouge is one of the strongest guys listed here, his devil fruit is also the best used for combat, it allows him to convert damage he has taken into muscle mass. He also defeated one of big mom's sweet general which will give him almost the kind of strength luffy has.
He uses a kind of hexagonal pillar accompanied by his masaive muscle. In terms of muscle I believe him to be the strongest in the worst generation.

       5. Zoro

Our beloved zoro, the bad ass swordsman of the strawhats. Zoro has long been one of the strongest characters displayed in one piece, and he is going to be the greatest swordsman. His skill with the sword Far exceeds others, his use of haki is far above others. His sword skill is displayed during his fight against killer in the wank arc, and his fight against pica.

       4. Trafalgar d Walters law
Trafalgar law is certainly a bad ass character, he is calm, collected, and thinks ahead and when the time comes he can also make tough decision, apart from his mastery of haki, law's devil fruit has a huge role to play in his strength. His devil fruit (ope ope no mi) allows to to create a sphere of light blue aura which allows to bend the fabric of time and space. This devil fruit combined with his great wits will make him is op as can be.

       3. Eustass kid

He is the captain of the kid pirates, well...unlike the others he has a higher likelyhood to get aggressive. His is strong, and has incredible mastery of haki. His devil fruit allows to to attract and repel metal, magnetism. He has also been shown to have raw power almost equal to that of luffy. Depending on where he is located, he can a bit overpowered.

       2. Monkey d luffy

Luffy is our very protagonist in this golden series. He is strong, fast so much that he was able to easily avoid a laser shot after the time skip. Luffy has a tendency to make very stupid decision but those desicions are backed up by his immense strength. Unlike the others luffy's devil fruit started out as something very useless, meaning it wasn't as good or as effective as the other devil fruit. But he made this Devil fruit seem overpowered by training and hard work. Amongst all the worst generation, luffy is the only one that has been shown to use all three types of haki, observation, amarment and conquerors haki. He even defeated katakuri who's haki was SK strong that he could see the future. We're all Hoping he will show us something good in his fight against Kaido.

       1. Marshall d teach
            Aka- black bears

Blackbeard is the captain of the black beard pirates. He has the highest bounty out of everyone stated on this list. The reason why he is so strong isn't because of his raw strength, afterall luffy gave him a sweet punch, but it is because he possesses two devil fruits, which was tought to be impossible. One devil fruit is one that renders all other devil fruit useless when they touch him and the other is the devil fruit of the previous most strongest man, the quake fruit which allows him to create quakes by dealing massive blows.

All the supernovars (worst generation) posses a great deal of strength. If I'm to rank their stand I would say

Emperors > admirals > supernovas.
Though some supernovas might be able to go toe to toe against an admiral or an emperor, bug this is the general scaling.
 Also the shibukai's are not there because they just recently got dissipated.

And feel free to comment you opinion.