Can kenpachi beat zoro: who would win in a death battle

we've heard of some pretty good sword fights in anime, but this just tops it off, this battle is between almost the best swordsman is shounen series. 
  as usual I'll use speculations based on their feats and abilities they have displayed. 
  we all know that these two characters are tough and incredibly strong but who is going to be victorious in a one-on-one battle.

Note; we'll be using the assumption that zoro can see kenpatchi, if not the battle won't be fair. but let also say that zoro can be affected by kempatchi's reiatsu, only then will it truly be fair because kempatchi's spiritual pressure is likely the same as zoro's haki.

let us start by analysing their speed and strength, as those are the major deciding factors in a battle.

1. kenpatchi is faster 
zoro possess a certain degree of speed but that cannot be compared with the immense speed that kempatchi posseses. he placed bells on his hair so that his opponents would be able to hear him while he moves. zoro on the other hand can't keep up while fighting kenpatchi.

2. zoro is stronger
when you look at raw strength, zoro has far surpassed kenpatchi and it is evident in zoro's intense training regime. zoro cut Pica in half, you can imagine the level of strength you'll need to cut something that big, you can also tell from zoro's training regime that he is extremely powerful.
kempachi has a pattern of allowing enemies to strike first or testing the limit of their abilities, but this could be fatal as zoro can give a fatal blow to kempatchi. kempatchi may be faster than zoro but zoro ain't slow. a single strike from zoro (santryou, onigiri) Could be instantly fatal.
again kempatchi doesn't have that much asernal of skills meanwhile zoro has a lot more skill than kempatchi.
zoro will emerge victorious, because there is absolutely no way that kempatchi can strike a fatal blow on zoro, he has more stamina and endurance than kenpatchi can dream of. well...based on experience it should be stated that kenpatchi's spiritual pressure will have little or no effect on zoro meanwhile zoro has a lot more experience in fighting under pressure. 
zoro has haki, and unlike kenpatchi's spiritual pressure, haki can be used physically to avoid taking damage and to give physical damage, zoro's mastery of haki is his greatest asset to his sword skill, kenpatchi won't be able to block a serious move from zoro.