Ping pong the animation; the most underrated sport anime

I've seen much-underrated anime, but this has gone too far. I've seen lots of people who rate an anime based on how it looks and forgets about the storyline and character developments, they assume that any good anime has a perfectly good anime, the likes of...violet evergarden, attack on titan, nanbaka e.t.c, don't get me wrong these animes are great but the thing is that when people compare those to this anime there only comparing animations, even those who compare the storylines hasn't even completed the anime. anyway... let's go into why this anime is supposed to be rated higher than it is.

      "ping pong the animation", to be honest, u can't think of a better animation for this anime than the one which we already present, the animation provides a lot of room for character development, the characters are in such sync and so much more. 
    this anime talks about "who do you play for". it emphasizes the reason why we play ping pong, using the story of a boy who never smiles and his best friend who introduced him to the game, watch the emotional trauma and all they have to pass through to reach their goals. 
     not only does this anime has a good storyline but it's the kind of anime that'll make you scream in excitement while watching it.
